Самохин Ю.К. врач-терапевт

Specialist is general and bariatric surgery, all minimally invasive methods. Senior general surgeon and head of bariatric surgery division.

Валерьянова Е.М. фельдшер-лаборант КЛД
Валерьянова Е.М. фельдшер-лаборант КЛД The Department of Pediatrics strives to improve the well-being of all children.  We will be recognized
Горбунова И.В. врач-терапевт, врач-профпатолог
Горбунова И.В. врач-терапевт, врач-профпатолог The Department of Pediatrics strives to improve the well-being of all children.  We will be recognized
Григорьев С.А. врач-невролог
Григорьев С.А. врач-невролог The Department of Pediatrics strives to improve the well-being of all children.  We will be recognized by
Грошовик Е.И. главный врач
Грошовик Е.И. главный врач The Department of Pediatrics strives to improve the well-being of all children.  We will be recognized
Паршина О.Ю. врач-стоматолог-терапевт

Specialist is general and bariatric surgery, all minimally invasive methods. Senior general surgeon and head of bariatric surgery division.

Зверев Д.Е. врач-стоматолог-терапевт

Leslie is one of the most experienced dental hygienists in the county. She works at our dental clinic since day 1.
No one contributed more to our customer’s satisfaction and concerns resolving, than her.

Медведев В.Г. врач-акушер-гинеколог

Specialist is general and bariatric surgery, all minimally invasive methods. Senior general surgeon and head of bariatric surgery division.

Новикова М.С. врач-офтальмолог

Specialist is general and bariatric surgery, all minimally invasive methods. Senior general surgeon and head of bariatric surgery division.